
Subject attainment test for English


Important Information

Raise your hand;

If you do not know how to answer a question

If you see anything strange on your screen

If the headphones do not work

Answer every question

Important Tip: To go to the next question, use your physical mouse to select Next. Avoid using the touch screen.

Check your answers before going to the next question

If you really don’t know, have a guess.

Some Rules

Do NOT press END TEST yourself.

Call an adult when the END TEST button appears

Only go to the washroom between test 1 and test 2

If you do finish early, read your book

Strictly, no games or any other computer activity

Log in with your access code

The English Test is in 2 parts

The English Spelling Test (Part 1)

There will be a passage of text

You have to listen / read the whole passage first

Then the next button will appear

Then you will return to the passage

Fill in the blanks with the correct spelling

Press Next to go to the next spelling

English Passage Test (Part 2)

Spend 10 minutes to read a passage of text

Then answer the questions about the story

You can read the story again by using the back button.

More English Sample Questions

Multiple choice (single answer). Select the correct answer.

Multiple Choice: Choose more than one answer

Spelling questions

Drag and drop to match words

Find the word that rhymes with phone

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