PASS – Pupil Attitudes to Self and School

PASS 2 Questions can be found at the bottom of this page

Questions for Grade 2 upwards

There are no right or wrong answers and you are not given a mark.

You must answer as honestly as possible.

If you don’t understand a word or question, ask the teacher to explain it to you.

What does the PASS test tell us?

How you feel about school

What you feel about your teachers

If you like to be at school or not

How you feel about challenging tasks given to you class

What you feel about yourself

How you feel about the work that is given to you

What you feel about the work that you do in school

If you feel like you are ready to do any of the tasks that are given to you in school

If you feel like you are can do the tasks given to you in class

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Choose English as the first language

Please think carefully about your answers

Remember that we are not testing how much you know

We are checking to see how you feel about learning

All 50 Questions

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